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Friday 22 October 2010

Wayne Rooney et deux.

Well, 24 hours on, the the Rooneygate saga takes an unexpected turn. After harping on about wanting to leave, critizing the club about lacking ambition, disrespecting his manager by putting out a statement saying he wasn't injured when Fergie said he was and disrespecting his fellow players by intimating they aren't up to his standard, he has decided to sign a new 5-year deal. Rooney might think he has managed to get what he was hoping for i.e. better wage deal, longer contract and a commitment by the club to ship out players no longer needed and replace them with new quality players. This is where I think Sir Alex and the United board have pulled off a better deal for themselves than Rooney has. I say this because Fergie is not in the habit of forgiving players who step out of line and Rooney has done that big time. United now have the upper hand. If Rooney had been allowed to go in the transfer window or in the summer, United would have got peanuts or nothing for him. Now they can put him up for sale and demand a sum equivalent to what they value him at. It would not surprise me if they did eventually sell him because like I said earlier Fergie is not the type of manager who likes to be upstaged by a player, especially  one as young and immature as Rooney. After all, Rooney's form has been very poor since he broke his foot last season and his confidence is shot at too. It would be ironical if one of the new players who eventually arrive at United in the new year displaces Rooney. You should always be wary of what you wish for Wayne, because life sometimes has a habit of coming back and bite you on the bum.

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