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Saturday 26 February 2011

Wolves 4 Blackpool 0.

Oh God, you don't realise how much that score line pains me to write down. We go from beating a top side like Spurs midweek to a 4-0 drubbing from a side languishing at the bottom of league today. No disrespect to Wolves, but they are no great shakes and to lose by the margin we did today is nothing less than shocking. Neil Eardley should be hanging his head in shame after the performance he put in today. He was truly awful, but my biggest criticism must be levelled at a player I think is one of our most consistent performers, DJ Campbell. What the hell was he thinking about getting sent off just before half-time, for a stupid loss of composure. At that stage we were only 1-0 down and although we never looked as though an equaliser was on the cards we still lived in hope. From then on it was like trying to push a steamroller uphill. You know what today's result means? I won't be able to watch Match of the Day tonight or read tomorrow's papers, because of the pain. I'll now have to go into meditative state to try and erase today's game from my memory in readiness for Saturday's game against Chelski.

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