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Saturday 25 August 2012

Pinch me, I think I'm dreaming......

What's going on? Three games into the new season and we're unbeaten at top of the division with 9 points, 10 goals for and 1 goal against. I'm sure I'll wake up shortly because this is isn't how my beloved Seasiders start a season. We've manage to put the skids under Millwall, the once mighty Leeds Utd and today the best result for a very long time 6-0 against a fancied Ipswich Town team. Paul Jewell must be having nightmares about playing us. Defeats like this can be the death sentence to a manager.
What a fantastic game to watch for any Pool fan. The whole side played with so much confidence and credit goes to Ollie who on a very tight budget is putting together an extremely strong squad. Ok, we're going to be attracting a few premiership vultures hoping to pick off the likes of Matt Phillips, Tom Ince or Alex Baptiste or anyone else out of the squad. But that again is down to Ollie for making us into an attractive attacking side. I'm surprised other clubs haven't come in for him either, because he is a chairman's dream capable of saving them millions in the transfer market. I've said it before but Ollie is in my opinion the best manager Blackpool have ever had. The guy is a genuinely nice bloke, who is not frightened of speaking his mind.
Today was fantastic and to see us up there is nothing more than we deserve. Let's finish the season now please.

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