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Monday 14 January 2013

Which direction are we going?

I’ve not put pen to paper for a bit now, simply because I am totally confused with what’s been going on down at Bloomfield Rd this season.
Ollie goes after 3+ years, which is understandable. Then the chairman decides to go for Michael Appleton, who frankly managed a Portsmouth side going nowhere. This appointment was such a success he decided to jump ship the first chance he had after only 2 months in charge. Not only that, he decides to go to Venky Rovers, whose managerial appointments are worse than ours. So yet again we find ourselves managerless. Then Oyston decides to approach Phil Parkinson, currently at Bradford, who declines the offer of moving up a division. So next he goes for
Sean O’Driscoll, recently sacked from Nottn.Forest, who also declines the offer and opts for Bristol City instead, who are currently bottom of the championship. Now we hear Oyston has identified Peter Houston (Peter who??) as a possible choice. He is currently in charge of Dundee Utd, but after reading some of the fan websites the majority of fans up there aren’t bothered whether he leaves or not.
 So, how is this all going to end? Your guess is as good as mine. We’re fast becoming the laughing stock in the managerial stakes. Perhaps Oyston’s tight-fisted approach to everything he does has finally been acknowledged.
 Karl Oyston is the original “Marmite Boy”. He’s never going to be a pro-active football club chairman. Most fans distrust what the Oyston’s say because of all the false promises they have spouted over the years. Too many to mention in this small blog, but enough to fester in the minds of the most loyal of Pool fans.
 It’s sad to think that just recently we were experiencing the excitement of the premiership, which so nearly happened again last season. Yet here we are struggling to keep a mid-table championship position, managerless and in danger of possibly slipping closer to the drop zone than a play-off position.
Steve Thompson is again in temporary charge and will pick tomorrow’s cup-replay team to face Fulham. Unfortunately, the FA Cup has lost that special place for me. I would sooner we concentrate on improving our league position rather than having a cup run.
Up the mighty Pool, let’s keep the faith.

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