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Thursday 11 February 2010

What chance has Gordon Brown got of leading Labour to election victory?

Although I do not think Labour will suffer a massive landslide defeat at the forthcoming election, I do believe their cause is not helped by having Brown as their leader. Unfortunately, the recent "coup" to oust him by some former Cabinet ministers was such an amateur affair it was laughable. I now think  it is too late for any other minister to try and oppose Brown before the election. I also think most Labour MPs are already bracing themselves for a backlash because the government have run out of ideas and are blamed by the voters for the debt they have accumulated and also because of their involvement in the expenses scandal. Admittedly not all MPs were involved, but you tend to find that the residing government come in for more criticism when a scandal breaks out rather than the opposition parties. Even Tony Blair, with his knack of survival relieved himself of Prime Ministerial duties when it was obvious he would be asked to step down from office. Not so Gordon Brown. It is plainly obvious Brown lacks the charismatic qualities of Blair, so his chances of re-election are even more remote. It is difficult to pick out anyone in the Labour ranks who could give them a fighting chance, as happened when the Conservatives lost power. So I think Labour will have to spend quite a long time in opposition before the electorate are willing to give them another chance. I could be wrong, but I do not think Gordon Brown has any chance of leading Labour to another election victory. Only time will tell.

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