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Saturday, 13 March 2010

Children's Commissioner's comments.

It seems Maggie Atkinson, the new Children's Commissioner, has added fuel to the fire, regarding the Jon Venables affair. She is quoted as saying that "The age of criminal responsibility in this country is ten - that's too low, it should certainly be moved up to 12. In some European countries it is 14." She also claimed we are in "danger of criminalising too many children and young people by locking them up for committing far less serious crimes". Little did she know what a furore her comments would make. Why she chose now to come out with her remarks can only be described as insensitive. Time and time again the general public hear stories about kids seemingly getting away with all kinds of anti-social behaviour. So raising the age of responsibility from 10 to 12 years of age just adds to public concern. Following the backlash her comments caused, Dr.Atkinson tried to distance herself by saying "I wish to be clear and to put into context my views on such terrible atrocities. Some children and young people do commit terrible crimes and are a danger to themselves and to others". She added "It is right, therefore, that these children are contained in secure settings as in the case of James Bulger's killers and more recently the horrific case in Edlington. I empathise with the pain and anguish felt by all the families of the victims involved.Children who carry out such atrocities and other serious offences need to understand the severity of their actions. They should undertake intense programmes appropriate to their age in secure facilities where they are helped to make positive and lasting changes to their behaviour". Not matter how well meaning she thought she was being, her comments have increased the anxiety many people feel about youngsters rights being more important than their own. On a final note, children are aware from a very early age of what is right and wrong, even in the most dysfunctional households.

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