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Friday 12 March 2010

Responsibility is a long word, but too often forgotten.

What a sad indictment of society in Britain today, which allows groups of feral youths to harass and torment defenceless people without restraint. The case of David Askew, a 64 year old man with the mental age of 10, highlights how he and his family have been let down by the authorities. Apparently they have been victims of abuse by gangs in the area for the last 10 years culminating in the tragic death of Mr Askew on Wednesday. Gang culture is not solely a British problem, but a worldwide one. Being a member of a gang might give a person a sense of belonging, but with that comes an expectation to prove you are worthy of inclusion to the gang. That usually means a constant "highering of the bar" as far as proof is needed of your capability. There is a pressure put onto youths to be part of a "clique or gang" and to ignore the offer is seen as a insult and so you become a gang victim. Gangs who carry out campaigns of terror, usually pick on the most vulnerable, as in the case of Mr Askew. They know they are unable to fight back and are an easy target and so the reign of terror continues unabated until a tragedy occurs. There is no easy solution to this problem, which is made worse when we are constantly being told that the police are too overstretched to cope and that our prisons are overflowing. Judges and Magistrates are being urged not to send non-violent offenders to prison because they are full. Society will only change if the people take ownership of their RESPONSIBILTIES. Until then, society will not be able to change. Have we all become a nation of bystanders, watching crime take place and not helping to stop it? For a children's sake, let's hope not.

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