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Tuesday 9 March 2010

Sky TV.

Has the Sky organisation helped or ruined  sports coverage in the UK? Ok, they have pumped millions of pounds into the sports industry, none more so than the English Premier League. They introduced "pay per view" television, which meant you had to become a subscriber if you wanted to see  sport whereas years ago the general public could watch all the leading sporting activities free and unhindered. I do not deny they have revolutionised the way we can access sporting events, but there is a little of me that hankers for the old way of viewing. I was a Sky subscriber for a number of years, but no longer, because I felt I was being exploited by them. Despite paying over £70.00 per month for my Sky package, I was also being asked to pay "Box Office" fees when I wanted to watch live boxing. Add to this a call out fee of £68.00 should my system breakdown just added insult to injury. I also feel a bit miffed that I can no longer see domestic, Test Match and international cricket live without paying Sky. The once wonderful FA Cup Final has now lost the significance it once had, by I think, a purposeful strategy by Sky to promote other competitions in its place. Football clubs are being asked to change fixture dates to accommodate Sky's schedules, something that angers the fans who book tickets in advance of the games. Some fans also book hotel accommodation too, which in turn are disrupted by changes. I am not naive enough to believe we will ever go back to what we once had prior to Sky's dominance, but I hope the monopoly they currently enjoy is curbed sooner rather than later.

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