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Sunday 10 January 2010

Blog help??

Is it me or I am not alone in thinking the help you get when trying to put together a blog or website is lacking? I understand that the difficulties people experience are varied and diverse, but if you are new to the whole process, even what appears to be simple instructions to the technically minded can be very confusing to others. Even trying to embed a link into your blog is not as simple as they make out. Trying to get an explanation from the company supplying the link is often non-existent.  Wouldn't it  be nice to discuss the problem with someone on a one to one basis at the end of your computer instead of placing your query on a discussion website in the hope some kind person replies to you with an explanation. Invariably no one replies, so your frustration increases further. How many times have you gone through the forums and eventually found someone else with the same query but like you nobody has replied. Ughhh. I have got to say though, one site I personally found extremely helpful is Their tutorials are very informative. I pass this information onto you without prejudice or reward from the company. I just thought other new bloggers and webbers would benefit by viewing their site.

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