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Friday 1 January 2010

It's that time of the year...

It's that time of the year again when some people decide to make New Year resolutions. Some want to lose weight, some want to reduce their debt, whilst others just want to try something different. But the one thing that links every resolution is "willpower". What starts off with all good intentions can soon turn into a chore, which develops into guilt. In the past I have wanted to play the piano, guitar, drums and harmonica. I get all the equipment, the instruction books and start to learn in earnest. I think to myself just do at least some practice everyday, at least that way it becomes part of your day. But what tends to happen is things start to distract you and what you've learnt soon becomes lost in amongst all the distractions, so to start again takes greater effort. Then I see a new instruction book claiming to teach me even quicker, which I end up buying and trying until my patience and determination starts to waver. In fact as I write this blog I can see my guitar lying forelornly in the conservatory gathering dust. Still it's the start of a New Year, so surely this time my attempts to play at least one musical instrument will be achieved or would I be better to accept that I will never master any of the instruments and go onto something else. Anyway here's wishing you all a Happy New Year and good luck with your resolutions.

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