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Thursday 7 January 2010

What is the most anti-social item you can think of?

The most anti-social thing I can think of is the car. Why you might ask, especially as it seems to be one of the most essential items for people to own. Or is it? I suppose this cold, snowy spell that we are all experiencing brings it home to me. At times like this you are more likely to abandon your vehicle for the more strenuous mode of transport, walking. This activity whether you like it or not brings you in direct contact with other human beings of all walks of life. You are taken out of the comfort zone of your portable "home" and have to be more sociable than you would normally be. Notice how many people speak to one another whilst they are out and about. Something which is sadly missing when you get behind the wheel of your pride and joy. In fact, usually the only other type of dialogue that comes with driving takes the form of even more anti-social behaviour, accompanied almost certainly with gestures of a more aggressive nature. I think over the years the car has made us more independent and capable of going further afield, but it has also made us more aloof and isolated as far as mixing with people is concerned. To me this can only be a sad thing. What do you think?

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