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Saturday 16 January 2010

Compensation culture.

I used to laugh at the Americans when I read  about some of their  ridiculous excuses for claiming compensation. That was before the desease spread over to the UK. This "no win, no fee" system has spiralled out of control here too now and has encouraged a blame culture, rather than owning up to one's responsibilities. Everyday we are bombarded on TV, radio and newspapers asking if we have had an accident in last three years, if so you may be entitled to compensation. One of the most irritating TV commercials is the one about the fellow who managed to get £7,500, because someone gave him the "wrong" ladder to fix an alarm. WHAT!! What wrong ladder? First of all, if he knew it was a wrong ladder, why did he use it? Secondly, why did he not put something at the bottom of his ladder, like his tool box to stop the ladder from slipping back. It's something I always do because to me it is common sense. In other words I take responsibility for my own actions. All these compensation solicitors should hang their heads in shame and take responsibility for theirs.

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